Monday, August 17, 2009

my baby girl

i remember it like yesterday,
you and me play together, (jgn fikir lain)
and the time stop,
when you say the word,
and give me your diary,
dont you worry,
i take care of it,
i guess i want to keep it,
but i just need you to become a part of me,

my baby girl,
she pretty hot teenage girl,
she got the smile,
not any one can do that,

i bet your diary full of mess,
not just that ,
you totally gonna be my girl,
i read your pinky diary,
i read,
i read,
i read,
u know what i see ?
i see me alot,
you want me so much ,
but dont you worry coz,
i want you too,

dont you know
what can i do to make you suprise,
and dont pretend ,
i think you know i damn precious,
and i know you are calling me,
and ,
you are watching me,

in a second,
you will be in my channel,
as i watching you in my flat screen panel(tv)
you not like other,
you so special,

my baby girl,
she like lolipop to me,
she so sweet,
and no one is sweeter than she,

and you will not get away from me,
as you has my pathetic heart,
you always be around,
colour of my life,
i know,
you are the hotstuff,
and i know that some people want you so much,
but you and me will get through day and nite together,
i know,
some people search for you,
just want to take you away from me,
but i dont worry coz,
i know that you will be rite here by my side,

my baby girl,
dont freak out,
you all i think about,
and you know who to call when you get lonely.

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